An estimated 1 in 5 people have had a bed bug infestation or knows someone who has. The
nightmare begins when a bed bug finds its way into your clothing; it usually happens at a hotel
but can start anywhere. Hospitals, businesses, homes, buses, apartments and hotels are just a few
places where bed bugs are being reported. It is said that bed bugs don’t transmit disease from
feeding on your blood; however, an engorged bedbug can burst at the slightest bit of pressure
exposing you to human blood.
Finding bed bugs in your home has nothing to do with poor hygiene! It takes only one bed bug to
hitch a ride on your clothing (furniture, suitcase, etc.) and infest your residence. What’s worse is
that they can live up to one year without drinking a drop of your blood. Feeding takes about 10 to
15 minutes for adults and less for the nymphs; they feed about every three days. Depending on
the conditions, bed bug nymphs can survive for months without feeding.
People can suffer physically from the effects of bed bugs, but the bites go away…… what does
not go away is PBBSD (Post Bed Bug Disorder) an illness characterized by irritability,
sleeplessness, anxiety, and bed bug hallucinations.
Once you find bed bugs it is important to call a pest control company right away because they
are known multiplying fast and being difficult to treat on your own.
Signs Of Bed Bugs
The first sign of bed bugs is red, inflamed, and sometimes itchy bites on your skin. These bites
tend to be in a line of 2, 3 or more bites but can be in a zig zag pattern or random. Although not
every person gets the physical symptoms of bed bugs, other signs are:
Blood spots on your bed linen, clothing, or skin
Musty, unpleasant odor in your bedroom from the pheromones bed bugs release
Dark/rust color on your mattress or walls from bed bug fecal matter
Finding bed bug eggs or shells
Approach to Treating Bed Bugs
Inspection and Identification
It is important to identify bed bugs quickly and before they reproduce. Bed bugs feed at night
and return to their hiding spots during the day but can be found if you know where to look.
The main areas to look for bed bugs will be:
Seams of the mattress and box spring
In the cushions and seams of sofas
Between your bedframe and headboard
Along the seams of carpet
Develop a Plan of Action
Once you recognize that you have an infestation it is time for the preparation. Preparation is an important step in bed bug elimination.
Using insecticides is an effective and fast acting way to eliminate bed bugs. Your home will be
treated from the perimeter of your home to your mattress.
These insecticides are thoroughly tested and guaranteed to be safe when instructions on the label is followed.
Avoid treatments that are not effective. We use EPA registered pesticides labeled for bed bugs.
Follow Up
Follow up treatments are recommended due to hatched eggs.
Inspect your bedding and furniture every few days for any bed bug evidence in case any eggs remain.
Prevention Tips
Use a mattress cover on your mattress and box springs.
Vacuum and reduce clutter to prevent bed bug hiding spots.
When you stay away from home, put your bag on a suitcase stand, dresser, or table rather than on the bed or floor.
When you get home, wash all the clothes from your trip and dry them in a hot dryer.
Avoid used mattresses, furniture, and bedding.